
config.json NOT generated after installing homebridge app through Synology DSM

wingmyway opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe The Bug:

config.json NOT generated after installing homebridge app through Synology DSM

Homebridge folder has been created, however, there is no config.json file generated at the folder

This lead to issue that the homebridge UI not accessible.

To Reproduce:

Synology model: ds218j
Homebridge app version : 3.00

Expected behavior:


Show the Homebridge / Homebridge Config UI X logs here.

Homebridge Config:

Show your homebridge config.json here



  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Homebridge Version: 3
  • Homebridge Config UI X Version:
  • Operating System: Synology NAS
  • Process Supervisor: Docker / Systemd / init.d / pm2 / launchctl / hb-service / other / none
oznu commented

Did you stop the app? Or did it fail to launch?

oznu commented

If you're happy to help debug this (I can't feasibly test on all Synology NAS model types, I've already purchased an DS120j just for testing this). Please try the following.

Connect to your nas via ssh. You may need to enable it.

Run this command and provide the output:

uname -a

Then, with the app "started" in Package Center, try and run this command:

sudo hb-shell

If that works, and you get put into the "Homebridge Terminal", try and run the following and provide the output of both:

node -v
hb-service -v

After installation, it was running successfully but when I click on the URL it direct me to the page where showing unable to be connected, as below :


Below is detail info when I ssh to my server.

zhigeli@zhigeli:~$ uname -a
Linux zhigeli 3.10.108 #42218 SMP Mon Oct 18 19:14:53 CST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux synology_armada38x_ds218j

zhigeli@zhigeli:~$ sudo hb-shell
Entering Homebridge Shell. To exit type 'exit'.

Homebridge Terminal for Synology DSM
Note: This is a restricted shell, sudo and npm cannot be used here.

homebridge@zhigeli:/volume1/homebridge $ node -v
node: error while loading shared libraries: libatomic.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
homebridge@zhigeli:/volume1/homebridge $ hb-service -v
This command must be executed as root or with sudo.

oznu commented

Thanks, I'll see what I can do. I'll pull armada38x support for now.

oznu commented

@wingmyway - I think I have fixed this, I can't test myself though.

Can you download the .spk for armada38x from:


Direct link: https://github.com/oznu/homebridge-syno-spk/releases/download/3.0.1-test/homebridge-armada38x-3.0.1_debug.spk

Add do a manual install?

If it still does not load please run:

sudo hb-shell

Then provide the output of these commands:

node -v

Just tested, the new version solved the problem and I can open the control panel now.
Thx for the quick turn around.
Screenshot as below :

oznu commented

That's great; thanks for confirming.

I'll publish a new build and re-enable it on synology.homebridge.io