
Plugin Icon Request: homebridge-egreat-androidtv

carlosgamezvillegas opened this issue · 1 comments

Plugin Name


Plugin Icon


🟢 The following pre-checks passed:

  • Installation: successfully installed
  • Package JSON: repository.url property exists
  • Package JSON: bugs.url exists
  • Package JSON: keywords exist and contain 'homebridge-plugin'
  • Package JSON: engines.node property is compatible with Node 18
  • Package JSON: engines.node property is compatible with Node 20
  • Package JSON: engines.homebridge property is compatible with Homebridge 1.7.0
  • Package JSON: initializer function found
  • GitHub Repo: repository is public
  • GitHub Repo: repository is not archived
  • GitHub Repo: issues are enabled
  • GitHub Repo: contains releases
  • NPM Package: has not been deprecated
  • Config Schema JSON: exists and is valid JSON
  • Config Schema JSON: contains a valid pluginAlias
  • Config Schema JSON: the pluginType is set to 'platform'
  • Dependencies: homebridge was not installed as a dependency
  • Dependencies: hap-nodejs was not installed as a dependency

🔴 The following pre-checks failed:

  • None

🎉 All pre-checks passed successfully, nice work! Your plugin will now be manually reviewed by the Homebridge team.