
Add support for instanced pipelines.

dumptruckman opened this issue · 2 comments

Change Request

Tell us about your environment

  • Concourse version: 7.4.1
  • github-webhook-resource version: 1.1.5

Describe your change request

The problem you want to solve:
For pipelines using instances variables (instanced pipelines), this resource does not set up working webhooks. You need to append query params for each instance variable in the form of &var.some-var="someval".

Your take on the correct solution to problem:
Ideally the resource will automatically populate all instance variables in this way. An alternative is having a vars attribute that can be manually populated in the pipeline script; however, if any vars are forgotten in this manual way then I don't think the webhook will work.

Do you plan to submit a pull request to implement this change?
I may try if I can find the time to do so.

jduv commented

+1, this would help us greatly.

Resolved in #30