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  • 初始化项目
  1. 进入项目地址,先fork这个项目到你的项目中
  2. 把你fork的项目clone到你本地
  3. git branch dev 新建一个分支
  4. git checkout dev 切换到dev分支
  5. git remote add upstream https://github.com/koffuxu/Embedded_Android_in_Chinese 把项目添加你的远程仓库
  6. git remote update 把koffuxu的分支拿到你本地
  7. git fetch upstream master 把koffuxu的maser分支更新到本地
  8. git rebase upstream/master 更新合并
  9. 如果你完成修改,使用 git push -u origin dev 提交更新
  10. 然后进入你的github网站申请pull request


  1. git remote update upstream 把koffuxu的修改更新到本地
  2. git rebase upstream/master 更新合并



  • Preface

    1. Introduction
  • History √bywiikii

  • Features and Characteristics √bywiikii

  • Development Model √bywiikii

  • Differences With "Classic" Open Source Projects √byCodeDiving

  • Feature Inclusion, Roadmaps, and New Releases √byCodeDiving

  • Ecosystem √by[CodeDiving]

  • A Word on the Open Handset Alliance

  • Getting "Android"

  • Legal Framework

  • Code Licenses

  • Branding Use

  • Google's Own Android Apps

  • Alternative App Markets

  • Oracle v Google

  • Hardware and Compliance Requirements

  • Compliance Definition Document

  • Compliance Test Suite

  • Development Setup and Tools

    1. Internals Primer
  • App Developer's View

  • Android Concepts

  • Framework Intro

  • App Development Tools

  • Native Development

  • Overall Architecture

  • Linux Kernel

  • Wakelocks

  • Low Memory Killer

  • Binder

  • Anonymous Shared Memory (ashmem)

  • Alarm

  • Logger

  • Other Notable Androidisms

  • Hardware Support

  • The Linux Approach

  • Android's General Approach

  • Loading and Interfacing Methods

  • Device Support Details

  • Native User-Space

  • Filesystem layout

  • Libraries

  • Init

  • Toolbox

  • Daemons

  • Command-Line Utilities

  • Dalvik and Android's Java

  • Java Native Interface (JNI)

  • System Services

  • Service Manager and Binder Interaction

  • Calling on Services

  • A Service Example: the Activity Manager

  • Stock AOSP Packages

  • System Startup

    1. AOSP Jumpstart
  • Getting the AOSP √bykoffuxu

  • Inside the AOSP √bykoffuxu

  • Build Basics √bykoffuxu

  • Build System Setup

  • Building Android

  • Running Android

  • Using ADB

  • Mastering the Emulator

    1. The Build System
  • Comparisons With Other Build Systems

  • Architecture

  • Configuration

  • envsetup.sh

  • Directive Definitions

  • Main Make Recipes

  • Cleaning

  • Module Build Templates

  • Output

  • Build Recipes

  • The Default droid Build

  • Seeing the Build Commands

  • Building the SDK for Linux and MacOS

  • Building the SDK for Windows

  • Building the CTS

  • Building the NDK

  • Updating the API

  • Building a Single Module

  • Building Out of Tree

  • Basic AOSP Hacks

  • Adding an App

  • Adding a Native Tool or Daemon

  • Adding a Native Library

  • Adding a Device

  • Adding an App Overlay