
Compatibility with Openpose 25 annotations?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi! I'd like to apply Pose2Mesh with my own data which has only OpenPose 25-joint annotations (which seems to be the 17 coco joints + neck + pelvis + 6 extra joints on the feet, as defined here).
Now that Pose2Mesh uses your customized COCO joints (original 17 + neck + pelvis) for 3DPW training, can I directly apply that pretrained model to my task?
If so, should I simply use the neck and pelvis joints that's contained in my openpose-25 annotations, or ignore them and recompute them using this line of code?

Thanks in advance, I just wanna make sure I'm using your model in a strictly correct way (great work by the way!).

Sorry for the late reply, I was busy preparing CVPR...

I recommend the latter method (recomputing neck and pelvis), since the model is trained on such data.

Or you could retrain our model with the 25 joint annotations. If you want I can tell you the details.

And thanks for your compliment!

Thank you! Let me try the recomputing and see if it produces satisfying results.

Thank you! Let me try the recomputing and see if it produces satisfying results.
Do you still remember the conclusion at that time? Can you share the details at that time? Thank you very much!