
Importing libraries could not be resolved and the 'experiments' directory path not found

SomeshPTS opened this issue · 9 comments

Hello Team,

I am new to Pose2Mesh library and was trying to set it up using the instructions in README.
I have followed 'installation guidelines' and 'quick demo guidelines' and tried to run 'Demo on single person.
I have windows 10 and NIVIDIA Graphics.
I am using Anaconda environment and using VS Code as an IDE from Anaconda.
I have also copied the 'pkl' files mentioned in the steps. Downloaded the 'pytorch' and 'python' version mentioned, in base conda environment.

Please check the image 'lib_missing' for the missing libraries and the 'missing_issue' for the error/warning I am getting while running the 'Demo on single person'.

It will be very helpful If you can share the user guide to setup and run the 'Demo on single person'.
Thank you in advance.


Can you share your demo running command?

I think you didn't run python demo/run.py --gpu 0 --input_pose demo/h36m_joint_input.npy --joint_set human36

Hello @hongsukchoi,

Yes I was running the same command you have mentioned on VS Code Terminal.

OK. Did you make a directory experiment?

Yes I did.
I have create a directory 'experiment' in root folder of Pose2Mesh
But it has given me a warning as incorrect directory name.

In the terminal of VS code when I tried running the code with the command
python demo/run.py --gpu 0 --input_pose demo/h36m_joint_input.npy --joint_set human36

Hmm.. Maybe in Windows, all forward slashes should be changed to a back slash.

save_folder_path = 'experiment/{}'.format(save_folder)

Any change I can do in the Config.py to make it work.

I guess line 22 and 29

Hello @hongsukchoi,
I have resolved the issues with your suggestion.
But while running the program on Windows (Anaconda and VS-Code IDE) I am currently getting following warning stating EGL is unavailable.

As I have investigated on few forums I have found that there is no EGL DLL available on windows

When I comment the following line from renderer.py
os.environ['PYOPENGL_PLATFORM'] = 'egl'# 'osmesa'
as per one of the suggestion I have got online the warning changes to following

Please suggest any change I need to do in code to run the program.
Also Should I continue using windows and VS code to run the program or is there any other OS (UBUNTU, CentOS) with which the program runs more correctly ?
Thank you in advance.