
Train issues

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm trying to run your code on 4 Gpus Tesla-p100 (same hardware as you mentioned in your paper) but the time per epoch is 22 sec and after 200 epochs the Gpus are out of memory. Any idea why it happens? there is any configuration to make it run faster?

The training batches the graph in one episode (episode ends stochastically by reset_prob). For long episode with large graphs, this might overwhelm GPU's memory. Could you check the actual data size in a batch to see if this is the problem (we tried to do sparse graphs as much as possible but there might still be room for improving efficiency).

To try a smaller scale problem and get results quickly, you can try --num_init_dags 20 --num_stream_dags 0 to make it a batch case training (section 7.2 batch arrivals).

Hope these helps?

Thank you for the answer, but still, it runs slow/ out of memory. Can you please add the tensorflow version you use here? and also the parameters for the GPU: --master_num_gpu, --worker_num_gpu

I believe we developed the project with tensorflow version 1.14.0. With small batch job arrival experiment above, it shouldn't take that much memory and you can try just train it with cpu.