
Regression caused by multiHeaderValue handling on Lambda

Closed this issue · 4 comments

What version of Hono are you using?


What runtime/platform is your app running on?


What steps can reproduce the bug?

#2494 introduced the handling of multiHeaderValues. However, this seemed to have caused header duplication. On AWS, using API Gateway, a header is put both in headers and in multiValueHeaders when using proxy integration (even single value ones). The handling introduced in #2494 adds both to the headers array, causing duplicates. As a result, header values are concatenated with commas.

Example output from API Gateway test console:

Wed Apr 24 00:49:47 UTC 2024 : Endpoint request body after transformations: {"resource":"/{proxy+}","path":"/follows","httpMethod":"GET","headers":{"test":"123"},"multiValueHeaders":{"test":["123"]},"queryStringParameters":null,"multiValueQueryStringParameters":null,"pathParameters":{"proxy":"follows"},"stageVariables":null,"requestContext":

As you can see, the same header is in both collections, even though provided only once.

What is the expected behavior?

No header value duplication.

What do you see instead?

Duplicate header values:

c.req.Header("test") // value: '123,123'

Additional information

No response

We are also experiencing issues due to this bug, primarily we're impacted by this causing the JWT middleware to no longer function. The JWT middleware verifies that the Authorization header value is a string with two parts split via a space (matching Bearer <token>.

Of course, with this duplicate header issue the Authorization header value is actually a value matching Bearer <token>, Bearer <token> which means the check in the JWT middleware fails.


As a workaround we've created a custom middleware to wrap calling the JWT middleware, before executing the JWT middleware we're using this "lovely hacky" line to map the original single header value back into the request headers in the same way the AWS lambda adapter does.

c.req.raw.headers.set('Authorization', c.env.event.headers['Authorization']);

Not sure if anyone else has a better idea, but our thoughts are that the code that is setting headers from the multiValueHeaders could be updated to only append a value if that value doesn't already exist; thus avoiding duplicates.


Thanks for your comment. I will fix this.

Same bug here

Maybe @ShaneYu 's approach would be good