
executionCtx getter throws on Bun

Opened this issue · 1 comments

What version of Hono are you using?


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What steps can reproduce the bug?

I want to use executionCtx.waitUntil on CloudFlare Workers, but ignore and just await when running on Bun (since waitUntil is unsupported by Bun.serve)

app.get('/example', async (c) => {
    const p = getSomePromise();
    if (c.executionCtx) {
    } else {
        await p;
    return c.text("OK!")

However this crashes at the "if (c.executionCtx)" guard because executionCtx is a getter function that throws when it's not available.

Shouldn't this return undefined or null instead of throwing to allow for the use case above?

What is the expected behavior?

Do not throw.

What do you see instead?

error: This context has no ExecutionContext
as per

throw Error('This context has no ExecutionContext')

Additional information

No response

Hi @comunidadio !

Thank you for creating the issue. It's not a bug, but we may have to consider whether it should throw the error or not. As you said, it's convenient that it returns undefined.

It may not be the best solution, but you can use getRuntimeKey() to detect the runtime and make it do the c.executionCxt only in the workerd case.

app.get('/example', async (c) => {
  const p = getSomePromise()
  if (getRuntimeKey() === 'workerd') {
  } else {
    await p
  return c.text('OK!')

But I think it should not have to look at the runtime key for that purpose. We should consider it.

@usualoma What do you think about this?

Anyway, if we change the behavior, it will be a breaking change that will be included in the next major release.