
remove default value "body" for conventional commits

FabianUntermoser opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Hi there,
first thank you for this addition. I agree a good commit style should be practised.
However I noticed a small user experience problem, when using the new conventional commit templates.

In small projects, most of the time, I create one-line commit messages.
In the commit window (I use fugitive), I typically write feat<TAB> to expand the snippets.
However, as there is a default value "body" on every snippet, I additionally have to tab through and delete the body text if I only want a single line commit.

The problem would be solved, if you would keep the jump to the body section but leave the default value blank.
Would appreciate it, thanks!

lpil commented

That sounds like a good improvement. Would you be up for making a pull request?

Alright I'll look into it.

@lpil Hi! I created a PR. Mind looking into it?

lpil commented

Fab, thank you!

No problem :)
First PR here we goo ๐ŸŽ‰