
snippets for using GNU R - how to contribute and combine efforts (and how to accord with r-maintainer)

n0542344 opened this issue · 1 comments

First of all - great project, I really love both the idea of snipMate and the way how predefined (and custom) snippets can be integrated in vim/neovim!

I'm primarily using GNU R for which I also created my own custom snippets (since most of the ones available by default are using qute old functions). I'd like to contribute them to the official repository but I don't want to interfere with the intentions of the maintainer for the R-snippets. Therefore I'd be interested in a discussion with that person on why I chose some snippets and which I would use and how. But I'm unsure how to find that person and what the right medium for this discussion could be (e.g. mail or chat or this issues-section on github?).

Could you give me some pointers on that?

Thanks, Alex

lpil commented

Hey Alex!

If there's been no recent activity for the R snippets feel free to just go ahead and contribute or propose any changes you think would be good