
paranoia is not part of the bundle

huacnlee opened this issue · 2 comments

  3: from /Users/jason/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/activesupport- `block in execute_hook'
  2: from /Users/jason/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/activesupport- `class_eval'
  1: from /Users/jason/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/second_level_cache-2.6.2/lib/second_level_cache/active_record.rb:16:in `block in <top (required)>'

/Users/jason/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:346:in `block (2 levels) in replace_gem': paranoia is not part of the bundle. Add it to your Gemfile. (Gem::LoadError)

I could confirm that I have the same issue after updating second_level_cache to 2.6.2.