
Chip icon does not fill the available space

gworkman opened this issue · 3 comments

I've seen examples of this in pictures, but haven't seen anything in the documentation or source code on how to make the icon fill the available space. My icon is a circle, but it has a ring around if of the icon background color. I don't want that, just a full sized picture. Does this feature already exist?

Also, this is a great library, and has some of the best documentation around.

@gworkman I think I understand the problem that you have mentioned regarding the ring around the icon background. But can you put a link a link to a picture of the issue so we are on the same page?

@simon-tse-hs yeah, here is a picture.


Also, I would love to contribute to this, but I'm fairly new to programming (I'm a college student now). If you have some small tasks I can start with that would be great!

@gworkman Let me respond to you right now so you're not lost. We can look into this but I'm confused as to why the image isn't taking the full space.

I'm looking at ChipSpan and drawIconBitmap() to solve this problem. You can play with that as well if you want to try to fix it!