
Not all errors get underlined

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This probably belongs here instead of the ghc-mod extension

I notice that if you have an error at the top of the file, errors further in the file will not be underlined.

Test case:

module Test where

import  Test.QuickCheck.Checkers 
import  Web.Scotty
import  Test.QuickCheck
import  Test.sdasad

data List a =
    | Cons a (List a)
    deriving (Eq, Showasdadasdasda)

data List a = asda

import Test.sdasad is underlined as it should be, but the errors at the bottom are not.

What happens if you run hlint from the command line?

I get:

hlint .\src\Test.hs
.\src\Test.hs:6:9: Error: Parse error: Test.sdasad
    import  Web.Scotty
    import  Test.QuickCheck
  > import  Test.sdasad

    data List a =

1 hint

I don't know what else I can do if this is all that hlint gives me.

Understood. After further investigation this is how other editors work too in haskell. It just seems a bit odd coming from a .NET background. Thanks.