
HLint produces no output (`No hlint output`)

glebec opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm new to Haskell and am sure I am doing something wrong, but I cannot get this extension to actually produce warnings.

On OS X, I have added my Haskell directory to the PATH via ~/.zshrc (EDIT: now .zprofile):

export PATH="$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH"

I have a file intro.hs with the following content:

fib :: Integral a => a -> a
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = n + fib (n - 1)
fib =

From the terminal, hlint intro.js produces this output:

intro.hs:12:1: Error: Parse error: ;
    fib n = n + fib (n - 1)
    fib =

In VSC, I have the log level setting on log:

"haskell.hlint.logLevel": "log",
"haskell.hlint.run": "onType"

But I get no warnings, underlines, notices, or anything. In developer tools, I just get the following:

[Extension Host] VSCODE-HLINT Starting "hlint - --json"
[Extension Host] VSCODE-HLINT No hlint output

The same is true even if I point to the executable directly:

"haskell.hlint.executablePath": "/Users/glebec/Library/Haskell/bin/hlint"

…what am I missing?

Figured out the problem, see #19 for details. In the meantime, users can downgrade via cabal install hlint-1.9.41.