
broken with latest insiders?

chrisdias opened this issue · 11 comments

with latest insiders, the explosions don't follow the cursor, they always appear at the beginning of the line. i know some work was done to optimize decorators in VS Code last month, maybe something broke?

I have this issue too

me too

me too

me too

I have no idea why I'm not receiving emails for this repo, but I get them for my other repos. I'm so sorry that this has made it out of insiders and into the stable release (or so I assume from the reviews I'm getting). Unfortunately I'm traveling without a laptop for the holidays but I'll try to have this fixed early next year.

Thanks for your patience!

Update: the settings issue is resolved and I should be notified for all future activity here and in New issues.

I'm sorry to reopen this issue but I've the same problem but I don't think I've an insider version, i'm in 1.19.1.
I don't know if it's important but I'm on linux (ArchLinux with xfce4).

So can someone help me ?

Thanks in advance ! (I'm french, so sorry if I don't speak very well ^^)

@alfiory the "real" issue has not yet been fixed, I haven't come back from holidays yet.

The only "issue" I have fixed was with GitHub notification settings. Apologies for being unclear and happy new year!

Okay sorry I didn't understand sorry, thanks so.

Thanks ! Happy New Year to you too ;)

I just found this: Microsoft/vscode/#39259
So my assumption from below was not so far off.
After some fiddling around I realized that positioning with top and left is not an option anymore.
So there are some other ways to move elements around in CSS, right?

Replacing this:

left: `-${leftValue}ch`,
top: `-${topValue}rem`,


['margin-left'] : `-${leftValue}ch`,
['margin-top']: `-${topValue}rem`,

did the trick.
I also changed the after in before and the result was awesome!

Can someone please check this changes?
I'm afraid I've overlooked something

Old Post


did some debugging on this an have an idea what has changed.
My assumption is that the way how VSCode handles ::before and ::after has changed in the .19 update.
If I use the after property in DecorationRenderOptions they add a new span after the span with the current sign:

    <span class="mtk1">sdfgsd&nbsp;gsdfg&nbsp;sdffgs&nbsp;sdfgsdfaasdf</span>
    <span class="mtk1 ced-TextEditorDecorationType12-1 ced-TextEditorDecorationType13-1">x</span>
    <span class="ced-TextEditorDecorationType12-4 ced-TextEditorDecorationType13-4"></span>

the x is my last typed letter and the span after that has the ::after element:
This span does not have set position: relative. That is why the ::after element is positioned at the beginning of the line because this is the next element with relative positioning.

At the moment I have no clue how to fix this but I thought I will share my progress so far.

so long,

@kirkone provided a patch which fixes this and I've just published it in version 2.1.0.