
Evolve Partner as well as the Suspect

hopeseekr opened this issue · 0 comments

The Problem

Right now, the Partner's Choice is indeterministically random.

The MAIN problem is that I have never created a Contravariant Genetic Algorithm before (See Issue #2) and I am not sure at all how to proceed.

I am not sure if they should have separate Genomes [allowing for Speciziation] or the same Genome with different Genes.

Maybe both?

The Proposal

I guess all humans share the same genome, but I also don't think homo sapien sapiens are the only human species on Earth, either...

Add support for three separate genomes of Humanity:

  • Homo Sapien Sapien: Normal humans, naive, makes the wrong decision 50% of the time, easily manipulated by both Attorneys and Interrogators.
  • Homo Sapien Predatoris: Psychopaths and their Sociopath societal cousins. Self-interest #1, doesn't give a shit about anything but Self.
  • Homo Sapien Sensitivus: INFP/INFJ spectrum. This is the group that would reach societal compromise and largely sees the Whole as opposed to the Self.