
Horde Groupware

Primary LanguagePHP

What is Horde Groupware?

Contact: horde@lists.horde.org

Horde Groupware is a free, enterprise ready, browser based collaboration suite. Users can manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks and notes with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project. Horde Groupware bundles the separately available applications Turba, Kronolith, Nag, Mnemo, Gollem, and Trean.

It can be extended with any of the released Horde applications or the Horde modules that are still in development, like a file manager, a bookmark manager, a forum or a wiki.

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

1   Obtaining Horde Groupware

Further information on Horde Groupware and the latest version can be obtained at


2   Documentation

The following documentation is available in the Horde Groupware distribution:

README:This file
doc/CHANGES:Changes by release
doc/CODING_STANDARDS:Coding standards for Horde projects
doc/CONTRIBUTING:How to contribute to Horde
doc/CREDITS:Project developers
doc/INSTALL:Installation instructions and notes
doc/PERFORMANCE:Performance guide
doc/RELEASE:Release process notes
doc/SECURITY:Security notes
doc/UPGRADING:Pointers on upgrading from previous Horde Groupware versions

3   Installation

Instructions for installing Horde Groupware can be found in the file INSTALL in the doc/ directory of the Horde Groupware distribution.

4   Assistance

If you encounter problems with Horde Groupware, help is available!

The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the web at


The Horde Project runs a number of mailing lists, for individual applications and for issues relating to the project as a whole. Information, archives, and subscription information can be found at


There is no separate mailing list for Horde Groupware, please contact the mailing list of the component you have problems with, or the Horde mailing list for general problems and questions.

Lastly, Horde developers, contributors and users also make occasional appearances on IRC, on the channel #horde on the freenode Network (irc.freenode.net).

5   Licensing

For licensing and copyright information, please see the file LICENSE in the Horde Groupware distribution and the LICENSE files in the kronolith, turba, nag and mnemo subdirectories.


The Horde Groupware team