
Error while syncing, ByteStream fatal error

andresVillagomez opened this issue · 1 comments

I've changed the DashKit configuration related to Network settings (such as protocolVersion, dnsSeed, port, etc) in order to access and manipulate an AltCoin network. The library seems to work just fine, excepts that when synchronization is over (kitStateUpdated reports a synced status) the app crashes.

The issue is reported to be on line 29 of file ByteStream.swift. Xcode reports an error called Thread 19: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0) and it's caused by this line of code: version = byteStream.read(UInt16.self) on CoinbaseTransaction.swift over DashKit.

The library seems to work just fine whit the predefined configuration.

This are the changes I've made on DashKit.swift > TestNet.swift

        let protocolVersion: Int32 = 70213

        let name = "devnet-nextnet"
        let pubKeyHash: UInt8 = 0x8c
        let privateKey: UInt8 = 0xef
        let scriptHash: UInt8 = 0x13
        let bech32PrefixPattern: String = "dash"
        let xPubKey: UInt32 = 0x043587cf
        let xPrivKey: UInt32 = 0x04358394
        let magic: UInt32 = 0xe2caffce
        let port: UInt32 = 19979
        let coinType: UInt32 = 1
        let sigHash: SigHashType = .bitcoinAll
        var syncableFromApi: Bool = true

        let dnsSeeds = [
esen commented

Hi @andresVillagomez,

I tried to reproduce the crash, but the "" keeps disconnected right after first "getblocks" message

The reason of the crash is that the message received from the altcoin node has a different structure. This kit is tested only with Bitcoin, BitcoinCash or Dash. We don't support any other coins or extensions. But you may extend it and use with any altcoin you want.