
Options to search/filter symbols, option for symbol demangling

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Two suggestions which would help with analyzing symbol tables:

  • An option to search or filter when displaying "Symbol tables" would help. There is a "filter" option when viewing the "Strings" section. It would be great if that was generic and available for all sections. And maybe it could be completely "generic": so you could filter for data in any column, like for a specific "offset", "address", "value" etc - and not "just" filter for a (string) value.

  • There is an option to demangle a string on demand, which opens a pop-up dialog. That's not really convenient when working with a large file which contains thousands of mangled symbols - and you're looking for something. It would be great if the tool had a "global" option to enable symbol demangling. So, similar to the drop down list to select a character set for the "Strings" section, it would be nice if the "Symbol table" sections offered a drop down list to select demangling - and then all symbols in the table would be demangled accordingly.

Otherwise, a great utility - thanks for creating this!


Thanks a lo for the great ideas! It will be implemented ASAP.