
Sign in the coffee room

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Once the user puts on the headset and enters the coffee shop, there is a window that pops up. The window has a description of the project. We have this written out, we just need to put it on the sign, for now, the text on the sign can just say "Description" as a placeholder. After the user reads whatever is in the window, there is a button on the bottom right portion of the box that says "OK". The user is able to point the controller at the sign and see a laser pointer that shoots out from the remote. The user can then click any button on the controller to interact with the 'ok' button on the sign when pointing at it. When they click on the button, the window goes away, and the user remains in the coffee room. We've included screenshots of similar examples of what we're looking for in case useful.

So this won't be a Sign In window as such, but a Description window of what the project is about?