
Button that activates the video

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In the coffee shop room there needs to be a button near to the user that has a play symbol on it. Floating above the button is text that says "click me" with an arrow pointing to the button. When the user points their controller, a narrow laser shoots out to indicate where they are pointing. When the user clicks on the button, it will redirect them to the video. Ideally this button would be a 3D object shaped like a play button and placed on/above a table in the coffee shop so that the user could see it clearly. Ideally, the button would float up and down slightly to make it even clearer that it is something to interact with.

However, before the video is played, a window, similar to the one that pops up when the user first enters the room is shown. The window will have this content:

"We would like to add that this material may be sensitive to some viewers. If at any point you would like to exit, there will be a button on top of your head. Just look up, point your controller at it, and pull the trigger to be removed from the experience."

There are then two buttons on that window that the user can point their controller at and press any button to select. One button says "Cancel". If the user clicks on this button, the video will not play, the window will close, and the user will see the coffee shop. The second button says "Continue". If the user clicks "Continue", the screen will fade to black, and the 3D video will begin to play.

This task also requires importing the video into unity. The video was shot on a 3D RICOH THETA camera, and the user should be able to look around, in VR at what is happening in the video.

Picture is on github