
widget partially drawn off-screen

rtwfroody opened this issue · 10 comments

I just installed this, and the widget is partially off the screen. See attached image. My screen resolution is 2560x1440 if that helps. xgs.prf (which I did not do anything to manually) contains:

20 1080 0

Cessna_172SP - 2019-07-11 9 16 06 PM

Changing that 1080 number to 600 puts the widget somewhere in the middle left of the screen, which is fine for me.

it looks like the coordinates for drawing are less than the screen resolution. Did you run in full screen or windowed? Single monitor? Any VR gear?
Can you pls. delete/rename the xgs.prf run again and send the Log.txt?

Full screen, single monitor, no VR. Attached is the log file you asked for. The xgs.prf was created again exactly as mentioned above, with the same problem.

May be I found a solution. Do you have the plugin "DatarefTool" installed?
Then please look for the datarefs
sim/graphics/view/window_width and sim/graphics/view/window_height .
According to the doc this should reflect the coordinate system's width/height rather than the screen dimensions.

I installed DatarefTool, and this is what it shows:

Another user had a similar problems

Do you have the 'User Interface Size' above 100% as well?


Yes. UI size is set to 150%.
screenshot - 2019-07-25 17 18 35

Thanx a lot. Now I know where the problem comes from. Unfortunately X Plane's widget library is not really aware of scaled UIs and multi monitor setup.
I will think about that but in any case it will be a significant rewrite of my code. So don't expect it too soon.

It was simpler than I thought.
Please try out this beta after deleting/renaming xgs.prf with UI scale 150%.

That seems to fix it. The widget now shows up center left:
Cessna_172SP - 2019-08-01 14 45 02