
Could you push the processor library for java code

MichaelJokAr opened this issue ยท 14 comments

I want to add some code for "Xiaomi" mobile.Because the mobile has some different for normal moible; But I see your processor library is using the kotlin,I don't know how to use the kotlin; so could you push the processor libray for java code; Thanks;

Sorry, I can't mean you want us to rewrite to java as you can't understand kotlin?

yes, I want rewrite to my request;but your code is kotlin and I can't understand kotlin;So ,do you have java code for the processor library?

If you just want to use the library, you don't need to have Kotlin in your project whatsoever! It works fine in your Java projects as well. If you'd like to explore the source of our annotation processor, I'd suggest checking out the repo's history until you arrive at the 1.x releases of the library, since it has only been rewritten using Kotlin in 2.0.0.

The chances of us undergoing the language switch back to Java in the near future are pretty slim, though.

thanks,and the 1.x library is same as the 2.x?

There were a few additions to the feature set in 2.x, but it's still mostly the same. The most notable change was the inclusion of native Fragments using an optional dependency, which wasn't available in 1.x.

You can check out our migration guide to 2.x for details on the changes, but you'll see that it's been mostly just renaming stuff.

@a1018875550 You can see the source code of the latest 1.x here.

Btw can you tell us the plan you're gonna change? Just my interest but I might be able to give you a "folk" of this library for you.

yeah,Do you the "Xiaomi" chinese mobile; As you know the android is opend;So they take the android source put their mobiles but they change some code like the permission ; In "Xiaomi" mobile it's not same as usual to check the permission; Like this to check permission for camera:
qq20160820-0 2x

And I have to face other company like "Xiaomi" in China;So I want to rwrite this library to correspond the chinese mobile company;

Oh dear...not trivial change....
If you use the latest ver of the library, what kind of mistake will happen?

the library dosen't work; and the application sometime crashed and the log note me I didn't check permissions, sometime the screen goes black ;

@hotchemi Could you add this judgment for "Xiaomi" phone;the latest 1.x version run results is very different for the latest 2.x version;And it's not easy to read kotlin for me; And the code for check permissions to "Xiaomi" phone is same as the code in the picture;Just add AppOpsManger for every permission code;

@a1018875550 I can't collect enough info of Xiaomi thingy so please feel free to folk it!

@a1018875550 don't forget to add the original LICENSE file to your fork

what's means;How to achieve this for Java? Thanks!

Deal with by yourself.