
Automatically Archive Projects that are 100% mapped and validated

SColchester opened this issue · 1 comments

Project creators are instructed to archive projects once they are 100% mapped and validated but they often don't archive their completed projects. This clutters the Tasking Manager with 'Published' projects which cannot be contributed to. Tasking Manager admins sink a lot of time into manually archiving these projects and following up with the project creators.

Once a project reaches 100% mapped and validated, automatically trigger an immediate status change for that project to shift from 'Published' -> 'Archived' - ideally with a message to the project creator to notify them.

Additional context
There is really no reason to keep a project which is 100% mapped and validated active as a 'Published' project, once projects are archived they can still be found and searched for by the public.

There is a large backlog of 100% mapped and validated projects which are not archived. If this change could also work to change the status of those (as well as newer projects that reach the 100% mark) this would be very valuable and a big time-saver.

@RAytoun's input: message project creator to do a third pass check for data quality before automatically archiving