Disabling "pull-to-refresh" when swiping in WebView with Swiper.js
breadluvr opened this issue · 2 comments
I have a WebView with Swiper.js to display sliders. However, I've faced an issue where sometimes swiping horizontally in the WebView triggers the "pull-to-refresh" feature provided by TurboSwipeRefreshLayout. I'd like to either disable the "pull-to-refresh" feature programmatically or prevent it from being triggered when swiping horizontally with Swiper.js.
I can't find any instructions or examples in the documentation on how to access or modify this behavior. Does anyone have any insight on how to properly access the TurboSwipeRefreshLayout to enable or disable the "pull-to-refresh" feature programmatically?
Thank you!
You can easily disable the pull-to-refresh behavior on any particular screen using path configuration rules: https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-android/blob/main/docs/PATH-CONFIGURATION.md. See the pull_to_refresh_enabled
Coordinating incoming js touch events with native control of pull-to-refresh dynamically would realistically lead to buggy behavior due to the async nature of WebView
javascript <-> native communication.
I thought about coordinating JS touch events with the native pull-to-refresh, but as you pointed out, this could lead to buggy behavior. Your input confirms my concerns, and I appreciate the guidance. We'll try to adjust the swiper library to make swiping on the page smoother and see if it helps reduce unintended pull-to-refresh actions.