
Clinking on <a> changes iframe SRC. Need to be clicked 2 times to work

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I have a iframe where the src is changed whenever a anchor tag is clicked. I have " $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight();" in the function but it seems like I need to click the anchor a second time in order for the iframe to be resized correctly. Any ideas for a fix? seems to be doing it across all browsers. Thanks!

The $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight(); call does not cause the iframe to resize - it wires up the load event of the iframe to call the resize. So try using one of the below techniques to initialize the resizing

<!-- with document ready, most likely in the html head -->
  $(document).ready(function () {
    $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({debug: true});

<!-- inline, after the iframe -->
<iframe src="my_iframe.html" class="auto-height" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  $('').iframeAutoHeight({minHeight: 240});

Then in the code for your <a> just set the src - once it loads the new src into the iframe that should cause the iframe load event to fire and that should cause the resizing to occur - it should 'just work'

Worked perfect! Thanks so much!