

Opened this issue · 1 comments

运行命令“bypy list -d”的结果:

<D> Auth servers loaded: {'AuthServerList': [['https://bypyoa.vercel.app/api/auth', False, 'Authorizing with the Vercel server ...'], ['https://qcfpba.api.cloudendpoint.cn/auth', False, 'Vercel server failed, Authorizing with the cloudendpoint server ...'], ['', False, 'Vercel server failed. Last resort: authorizing with the Aliyun server ...']], 'RefreshServerList': [['https://bypyoa.vercel.app/api/refresh', False, 'Refreshing with the Vercel server ...'], ['https://qcfpba.api.cloudendpoint.cn/refresh', False, 'Vercel server failed, Refreshing with the cloudendpoint server ...'], ['', False, 'Vercel server failed. Last resort: refreshing with the Aliyun server ...']]}
<D> [05:18:48] Using requests.packages.urllib3 to disable warnings
<D> [05:18:48] Using urllib3 to disable warnings
Verbose level = 0
Debug level = 1
Config directory: '/home/anxu/.bypy'
Token file: '/home/anxu/.bypy/bypy.json'
Hash Cache file: '/home/anxu/.bypy/bypy.hashcache.json'
App root path at Baidu Yun '/apps/bypy'
sys.stdin.encoding = utf-8
sys.stdout.encoding = utf-8
sys.stderr.encoding = utf-8

<D> Token loaded:
<D> {'access_token': '121.9ffc9184608626b673239044574c6c39.Y7VYXGPxdZhkY6RYmXTZZjFJQQlkeky85hSJIRO.sAAB7g', 'expires_in': 2592000, 'refresh_token': '122.3f31f911d9ff5a90aaf7e44f30b52b3f.YnaFm7gY6bROTFLj2Rm0M-3rechYQCmoqqnQ2lx.NgEc-Q', 'scope': 'basic netdisk', 'session_key': '', 'session_secret': ''}
/apps/bypy ($t $f $s $m $d):
<D> GET https://pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/file
<D> actargs: ([], [])
<D> Params: {'method': 'list', 'path': '/apps/bypy', 'by': 'name', 'order': 'asc', 'limit': '0-1000'}
<D> Full URL: https://pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/file?method=list&path=%2Fapps%2Fbypy&by=name&order=asc&limit=0-1000&access_token=121.9ffc9184608626b673239044574c6c39.Y7VYXGPxdZhkY6RYmXTZZjFJQQlkeky85hSJIRO.sAAB7g
<D> HTTP Status Code: 200
<D> 200 OK, processing action
<D> Request OK
<D> Files listl: [[], []]
<D> Remote dirs: []
<D> Remote files: []

