
Topics that contains posts awaiting moderation should be highlighted in the topic list

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This would be a good way for moderators to tell where there are posts that need moderation.

Currently, a topic can be on-moderation when the first post need moderation. Once the topic exists, all other posts won't update the topic's on-moderation flag because a "on moderation topic" is not displayed in its forum (so we can't hide / show a topic each tme a new post which need moderation is added).

IMHO, Topic should have a post_on_moderation_count which is updated when a post is updated to increase or decrease this counter if needed. It would add an extra UPDATE query only when a post is flagged or unflagged as "on_moderation", so "display views" won't need more resources to be displayed.
We should also update the command pybb_update_counters to recalculate if needed.

Could be done with #249 and also add notifications for moderators when a new post is added and require moderation. (via a signal like notify_moderators with concerned post as arg).

Hello, is there any plans on tackling this in the near future?

I have no plans but requests always welcome.