
Add code block documentation

pfwd opened this issue · 0 comments

pfwd commented

From pinned message in the coding-help channel:

Formatting code when asking for code help

Please write your code in a code block.

  1. Single lines/words/inline code.

Wrap the code in single back ticks like this:

  1. Multiple lines:

Wrap multiple lines of code in three back ticks like this:

function thisIsWrappedInThreeBackTicks() {
         return [
                'formatted_code' => 'is_easier_to_read'
  1. Highlight your syntax

Add the programming language to the first back ticks ````php ```` like this:

function thisIsWrappedInThreeBackTicks() {
         return [
                'formatted_code' => 'is_easier_to_read'

Or ````css ````


Or ````js ````

const website =
const podcast =

  1. To create a new line hold down shift and press enter. Holding the shift key will prevent the message from being sent and it will put your cursor on the next line.