
Couldn't run in web browser .

Closed this issue · 2 comments

display error

Hi, I'm a university student. I love 'clasp' and 'gas-clasp-starter' .

I cloned this repository .
I could run this sample project before February .
Recently, command: npm run deploy and clasp open go very well, but couldn't run in web browser . (See the image below, plz)
This means we can't use your sentences declare var global: any; ???
How can I use and run successfully again ?
Because of being introduced 'V8' ???

Development version

  • Node version (node -v): v13.10.1
  • Version (clasp -v): 2.3.0
  • OS (Mac/Linux/Windows): Mac

Hi @uewolf25

gas-clasp-startar builds two files.

└─ dist/appsscript.json
└─ dist/bundle.js


But the File name in which the error occurred is src/index.
Looks like the build is failing.

Also, is the rootDir of the clasp.json file set to dist?

  "scriptId": "<your_script_id>",
  "rootDir": "dist" <- Check it

Thanks for your replay, @howdy39 .

I missed adding --rootDir option when I create my project .
So, clasp.json is not set "rootDir": "dist" ...

I could run my project in my own way .
Too much appreciation !!
