
NFS support

nizsheanez opened this issue · 2 comments

go version go1.3.1 linux/amd64

I runed 2 containers:

  1. with application source code in volume.
  2. with daemon ( which listen changes of files in volumes (--volumes-from app_container)

in volumes (folder mounted by NFS), your library can see when i change files inside container, but when i change it from outside - no notifications.

I found out in
that this problem with NFS is known, but "It is unclear how important that case is"

Suggest me please: Must i create ticket about it in Go bug tracker?

Hi Alexey. The lack of NFS support is a limitation of the underlying operating system.

One work around would be to fallback to polling, but we don't have polling support built into fsnotify (at least not yet). See

Yes, NFS doesn't support this type of function. (And how would it, imagine 20 network computers updating 20 files on one NFS)