
"read: interrupted system call" on RHEL 6.4

dennisconrad opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using fsnotify on Red Hat Enterprise Server 6.4 (should be the same as CentOS 6.4).

It seems to work and I am receiving events, but with a slightly modified example, the following section

select {
    case ev := <-watcher.Event:
        log.Println("event:", ev)
    case err := <-watcher.Error:
        log.Println("error:", err)

throws the following error once in a while:

read: interrupted system call

Any idea why this happens or how to debug this?

@dennisconrad Thanks for the report. Unfortunately I don't have a Red Hat VM setup yet.

Go 1.3 will include os/fsnotify in standard library. We are in the process of moving development and issue tracking over to the Go project (currently under go.exp/fsnotify):

@dennisconrad Do you still see this issue under RHEL? What about CentOS?