
FIX: Error region when you change between profiles

javier-torres opened this issue · 1 comments


When you change between profiles and execute any command with select profile, you receive an error:
You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running "aws configure".

You need always use command aws-profile set-region when you change beetwen profiles although the region is the same. You always need select a region when you change profile with command aws-profile set

It would be interesting that when you change the profile you don't always have to change the region if it is the same. That is, if I change to the eu-west-1 region with the test profile, and I change to the prod profile, it forces me to select the same region with the aws-porofile set-region command.

Javier Torres

Hi Javier,

Thanks for opening this! We'd like to understand your workflow a bit more because overriding the predefined region from the selected profile due to a previous command will make the tool more complex and less predictable in its behaviour.

Will adding a few more defined profiles with the region you're after not going to work for you?