
Signature for each item

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Products carry a signature to detect manipulations of product attributes like quantity.

Currently a group of items share a signature. Example: a merchant orders 10 items and receives the items including a signature. The signature contains the quantity 10.

This system works well with offering products on the marketplace and removing offers. However, restocking an offer with new items becomes complicated because the marketplace has to keep track, which item of the restocked offer belongs to which signature. When the merchant removed a restocked offer, the marketplace might need to return multiple groups of items and their signatures.

Martin and I have discussed to have each item have its own identity and signature. With this change, producer and merchants can act as before. The offer management (create/restock/delete) on the marketplace will be simpler and problems with the current offer management will be fixed.
The disadvantage of approach is that more data must be sent/received (each individual item instead of a single group of items with a 'quantity' attribute.