
Plot price trajectories

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently, we create a trajectory output CSV with which we plot the trajectory graphs.

To improve the user's understanding of the notebooks, let's skip the CSV and plot directly.

As I understand it the plot should be created directly in the market_simulation notebook? Wouldn't it be better to have every relevant plot in the same notebook?

Matter of taste. If I understand you correctly, you'd like to see all plots in one single notebook?

I would disagree. This would confuse the learning processes with "external / synthetic" market processes(/data).

Ping @tomschw .

I also think your version is better, it was just that I misunderstood what you want when we talked about it and just wanted to be sure. I'll do it in the pertaining notebook, but first I will work on #5 which should be easy to solve.