
Link to system architecture broken

c7hm4r opened this issue · 7 comments

The README.md states:

The whole application setup with all dependencies can be found in System Architecture. It contains information about how different application components are connected to each other.

The link to the "System Architecture" leads to a password-protected page. Please add the system architecture to some open-source repository. Web pages come and go (when the funding ends) and you shouldn't rely on the donation-backed Wayback Machine.

prefer it to be in github only.

It looks like the company that took over the schoolcloud-project is the most incompetent and lazy company ever! Today, I'm having the same issue and there isn't even a way to register because that login screen is for their internal ticket system, under which they put their documentation...

@ohne-ende hi there, please write a mail to the dedicated first level support for your instance. You can find a mailto thing on the main page of your instance :)

and i don't know what you mean by "even a way to register because that login screen is for their internal ticket system" that sounds rather like you are on a completely different url.

I can find a mailto thing in my... Oh wait, I don't even have an f***ing instance because I can't install it. For installing it, i'd need that System Architecture link to be publically available and not locked behind some internal server you're using and only getting access to, if you're working at that company. And no, I wasn't at a completely different URL, you're just plain bad at managing such simple tasks like even giving me a .txt or README.md file where the whole setup process is written down, publically available so that OPEN SOURCE project could still be used OPEN and not behind a handfull of governmental servers that are only available if you're a teacher or student. If you don't believe me, there's the link behind that "System Architecture" hyperlink: https://docs.dbildungscloud.de/login.action?os_destination=%2Fpages%2Fviewpage.action%3FspaceKey%3DDBH%26title%3DSystem%2BArchitecture&permissionViolation=true
P.S. It's very sad to see that you needed over a year to release another update and took over a month and a half to respond with an very useless comment.

It's been over a year and the issue is still open and yet, it still doesn't work, nobody outside of your company can access the page that should be just a plain text readme in this repository. Please just open an incognito tab / private tab where you aren't signed in and open that repo. Now go to the Setup part and click on the "System Architecture" link. You'll see that there's a Logon page blocking non-employees from even using the open source project that formerly was usable by anyone with enough patience and a bit of command line knowledge. Just put the content of that page in this repo as a html or something so we can use it...

The old "System Architecture" is not posible to go back to public but i hope https://hpi-schul-cloud.github.io/schulcloud-server/index.html will help you

I don't think you get the point of what I actaully mean. I didn't meant the README.md, I can read that just fine. The Issue I'm having is that there's no public information on that open source project on how to install it, what dependencies it needs to work and so on... When it was still maintained by the HPI, the setup part contained actually useful information on what system requirements the server has, what dependencies needs to be installed in order to run it, and a detailed setup guide on how to set it up. Now, there's just a hyperlink to your internal services where it probably is put on, basically unobtanium for anyone in the open source community wanting to try/use the software. Without that little piece of documentation available to us, setting up such a project with multiple dependencies (combined with the other necessary repos as well) becomes a nightmare.

While I also found the server and the clients as docker container images on docker.io, it's still not working for me. While the client runs without any issues, the server won't, it instantly crashes after I send the run command. I've actually tried multiple versions, months apart from each other but it still won't start. If you'd actually kept a useful documentation for public, getting up and running would be so much easier but the way it is right now, it feels like a kick into everyone's face that wants to use these projects.