
Final styling adjustments for index pages

Closed this issue · 5 comments


With #475, which nicely cleaned up a lot of code, we got a few, in my view, styling issues introduced:

  • The table rows on the dashboard (and also the VM index page) have different hights
  • The buttons for the actions for VMs aren't aligned in one way (either left or right in their column) and have different paddings
  • The search bars aren't placed in one way anymore

Related Issues

Thanks for noticing the issues!

The table rows on the dashboard (and also the VM index page) have different heights

Fixed in cfa9826

The buttons for the actions for VMs aren't aligned in one way (either left or right in their column) and have different paddings

See changes in app/views/vms/*_buttons.erb : https://github.com/hpi-swt2/vm-portal/pull/495/files

The search bars aren't placed in one way anymore

The search bars in line with the h1 are by design

Addressed in #495

The search bars in line with the h1 are by design

Alright, then it is misplaced on the Users page

Alright, then it is misplaced on the Users page

Fine 😊 0ef5c16

Alright, then it is misplaced on the Users page

Fine 0ef5c16

Perfect 👌