
The solvers and preconditioners change in DOLFIN 2017.1.0

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The file ft08.navier_stokes_cylinder.py uses two preconditioners 'hypre_amg' and 'sor'.
However, now DOLFIN deletes these two.
The current solver and preconditioner list as following:

LU method | Description

cholesky | Simplicial LDLT
cholmod | 'CHOLMOD' sparse Cholesky factorisation
default | default LU solver
sparselu | Supernodal LU factorization for general matrices
umfpack | UMFPACK (Unsymmetric MultiFrontal sparse LU factorization)

Krylov method | Description

bicgstab | Biconjugate gradient stabilized method
cg | Conjugate gradient method
default | default Eigen Krylov method
gmres | Generalised minimal residual (GMRES)
minres | Minimal residual

Preconditioner | Description

default | default
ilu | Incomplete LU
jacobi | Jacobi
none | None