
GO Matrix Algebra Subroutines

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

GO Matrix Algebra Subroutines

Implementations of BLAS level 1, 2 and 3 routines and some LAPACK routines for double precision floating point. This package is rewrite of my MATOPS package using different matrix implementation. It is alsoe related to pure C versions of the same routines in my ARMAS library.

Some key ideas on implementation

  • Good single threaded perfomance
  • No internal memory allocation
  • All operations in place. If workspace needed it must be provided explicitely.
  • No assembler code.
  • Use SIMD instruction when available
  • Higher level algorithms with libFLAME like implementation
  • Unblocked and blocked versions
  • Supports parallel execution of BLAS3 routines
  • More Go/C like call interface

This is WORK IN PROGRESS. Consider this as beta level code, at best.

Some numbers

Performance of single threaded matrix-matrix multiplication (GEMM). Theoretical maximum performance of Ivy Bridge CPU is 8 double precision floating point operations per cpu cycle (4 addition, 4 multiplication). With peak performance 16.9034 Gflops and 2.4 GHz clock rate we get 7.04 operations/cycle, ~ 88% of theoretical maximum.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz

 200   12.5294   13.8528   14.4928 Gflops
 400   15.6345   16.2817   16.5653 Gflops
 600   16.4003   16.7994   16.9798 Gflops
 800   16.4187   16.6092   16.8357 Gflops
1000   16.4117   16.5573   16.6710 Gflops
1200   16.0345   16.5740   16.8028 Gflops
1400   16.5978   16.7548   16.8224 Gflops
1600   16.7352   16.8270   16.9034 Gflops


Level 3

Mult(C, A, B, alpha, beta, flags)           General matrix-matrix multiplication  (GEMM)
MultSymm(C, A, B, alpha, beta, flags)       Symmetric matrix-matrix multipication (SYMM)
MultTrm(B, A, alpha, flags)                 Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication (TRMM)  
SolveTrm(B, A, alpha, flags)                Triangular solve with multiple RHS (TRSM)
UpdateSym(C, A, alpha, beta,flags)          Symmetric matrix rank-k update (SYRK)
Update2Sym(C, A, B, alpha, beta, flags)     Symmetric matrix rank-2k update (SYR2K)

Level 2

MVMult(X, A, Y, alpha, beta, flags)         General matrix-vector multiplication (GEMV)
MVUpdate(A, X, Y, alpha, flags)             General matrix rank update (GER)
MVUpdateSym(A, X, alpha, flags)             Symmetric matrix rank update (SYR)
MVUpdate2Sym(A, X, Y, alpha, flags)         Symmetric matrix rank 2 update (SYR2)
MVSolveTrm(X, A, alpha, flags)              Triangular solve (TRSV)
MVMultTrm(X, A, flags)                      Triangular matrix-vector multiplication (TRMV)

Level 1

ASum(X)                                     Sum of absolute values sum(|x|) (ASUM)
Axpy(Y, X, alpha)                           Vector sum Y := alpha*X + Y (AXPY)
IAmax(X)                                    Index of absolute maximum value (IAMAX)
Nrm2(X)                                     Vector norm sqrt(||x||^2) (NRM2)
Dot(X, Y)                                   Inner product (DOT)
Swap(X, Y)                                  Vector-vector swap (SWAP)
Scale(X, alpha)                             Scaling of X (SCAL)


Axpby(Y, X, alpha, beta)                    Vector sum Y := alpha*X + beta*Y 
Amax(X)                                     Absolute maximum of X
InvScale(X, alpha)                          Inverse scaling of X 
Copy(A, B)                                  Copy B to A.
Plus(A, B, alpha, beta, flags)              Calculate A = alpha*A + beta*op(B)
NormP(X, norm)                              Matrix or vector norm, _1, _2, _Inf
UpdateTrm(C, A, B, alpha, beta, flags)      Triangular/trapezoidal matrix update
MVUpdateTrm(C, X, Y, alpha, flags)          Triangular/trapezoidal matrix update with vectors.


BDSvd(D, E, U, V, W, flagss, conf)	        Bidiagonal SVD (DBDSQR)
BDMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)           Multiply with bidiagonal Q or P matrix (DORMBR)
BDReduce(A, tauq, taup, W, conf)            Bidiagonal reduction (DGEBRD)
BKFactor(A, W, flags, conf)                 Bunch-Kauffman LDL.T factorization (DSYTRF)
BKSolve(B, A, W, flags, conf)               Solve LDL.T factorized linear system (DSYTRS)
CHOLFactor(A, conf)                         Cholesky factorization (DPOTRF)
CHOLSolve(B, A, flags, conf)                Solve Cholesky factorized linear system (DPOTRS)
HessMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)         Multiply with Hessenberg Q matrix (DORMHR)
HessReduce(A, tau, W, conf)                 Hessenberg reduction. (DGEHRD)
LUFactor(A, pivots, conf)                   LU factorization with pivoting (DGETRF)
LUSolve(B, A, pivots, flags, conf)          Solve LU factorized linear system (DGETRS)
LQBuild(A, tau, W, K, conf)                 Generate Q for LQ decomposition (DORGLQ)
LQFactor(A, tau, W, conf)                   LQ factorization (DGELQF)
LQMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)           Multiply with Q or Q.T  (DORMLQ)
LQSolve(B, A, W, flags, conf)               Solve LQ factorized linear system
QLBuild(A, tau, W, K, conf)                 Generate Q for QL decomposition (DORGQL)
QLFactor(A, tau, W, conf)                   QL factorization (DGEQLF)
QLMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)           Multiply with Q or Q.T  (DORMQL)
QRBuild(A, tau, W, K, conf)                 Generate Q for QR decomposition (DORGQR)
QRFactor(A, tau, W, conf)                   QR factorization (DGEQRF)
QRMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)           Multiply with Q or Q.T  (DORMQR)
QRSolve(B, A, W, flags, conf)               Solve QR factorized linear system
QRTFactor(A, T, W, conf)                    QR factorization with compact WY transformation (DGEQRT)
QRTMult(C, A, T, W, flags, conf)            Multiply with Q or Q.T, compact WY transformation (DORMQR)
QRTSolve(B, A, W, flags, conf)              Solve QRWY factorized linear system
TRDEigen(D, E, V, W, flags, conf)           Compute eigenvalues and vectors of tridiagonal matrix (DSTEQR)
TRDReduce(A, tau, W, flags, conf)           Tridiagonal reduction (DGETRD)
TRDBuild(A, tau, W, K, flags, conf)	        Generate Q for tridiagonal reduction (DORGTR)
TRDMult(C, A, tau, W, flags, conf)	        Multiply with Q or Q.T (DORMTR)
TRDSecularSolve(Y, D, Z, delta, rho, conf)  Solve tridiagonal secular function 
TRDSecularSolveAll(Y, V, Qd, D, Z, rho)     Solve secular function and compute eigenvectors
TRDSecularEigen(Q, v, Qd, conf)             Compute eigenvectors for update eigenvalues
ComputeGivens(a, b)	                        Compute Givens rotation
RotateGivens(v0, v1, cos, sin)              Apply Givens rotation
ApplyGivensLeft(A, r1, r2, col, nc, c, s)   Apply Givens rotation to matrix A from left
ApplyGivensRight(A, r1, r2, col, nc, c, s)  Apply Givens rotation to matrix A from right
UpdateGivens(A, from, C, S, nrot, flags)    Apply rotations from C,S to A


BKFactorWork(A, conf)                       Compute worksize needed for LDL.T  factorization
LQFactorWork(A, conf)                       Compute worksize needed for QR factorization
QLFactorWork(A, conf)                       Compute worksize needed for QR factorization
QRFactorWork(A, conf)                       Compute worksize needed for QR factorization
QRTFactorWork(A, conf)                      Compute worksize needed for QRWY factorization
QRMultWork(A, flags, con                    Compute worksize for QRMult
QRTMultWork(A, flags, co                    Compute worksize for QRTMult
Workspace(size)                             Create workspace

DefaultConf()                               Get default blocking configuration 
NewConf()                                   Create a new blocking configuration
NewError(err, name)                         New error descriptor