
Add a "push to a given subreddit" command

beorn- opened this issue · 0 comments

It would be great to add a new command set that would work like that:

query commands:

  • set a reddit account (create/update account)

    <foobar> reddit account set myaccount login password
    <foobar> reddit account set myaccount apikey
    then it would answer
    <bonzbot> account myaccount (created|updated)
  • delete a reddit account

    <foobar> reddit account delete myaccount
    then it would answer
    <bonzbot> account myaccount deleted
  • show reddit account list

    <foobar> reddit account list
    <bonzbot> Account list:
    <bonzbot>   - reddit myaccount loginname
    <bonzbot>   - reddit myaccount loginname
  • add a subreddit linked to a reddit account

    <foobar> reddit add myaccount /r/devel #mychannel 
    <bonzbot> subreddit output added
  • delete a subreddit linked to a reddit account

    <foobar> reddit delete myaccount /r/devel #mychannel 
    <bonzbot> subreddit /r/devel deleted from myaccount

channel #mychannel commands:

  • push a new tagged link to a given subreddit
    <foobar> !reddit push /r/devel httplink tag1,tag2,tag3 description
  • shows last n links
    <foobar> !reddit latest  n /r/devel
    <bonzbot>  link#1 tags description
    <bonzbot>  link#2 tags description
    <bonzbot>  link#n tags description