
Is that possible to using multiple icon in one plot?

fengqifang opened this issue · 3 comments

For example, I like to plot a chart which has male/female data. I prefer to use male/female icon from awesome font, not to use color?

Is that possible?

Like this? #28

Great, that is what I need.

Another question.

I have run your example

waffle::waffle(c(1, 9, 2,  8), rows = 2, use_glyph = c("male", "female", "male", "female"))


It is nice. But when I like to assign own name not the "A"/'B"......

waffle::waffle(c("Male Fans" = 1, "Female Fans" = 9, "Male" = 2, "Female" = 8), rows = 2, use_glyph = c("male", "female", "male", "female"))


It seems that data order does not correspond with glyph order?

Did I miss something?