
FontAwesome glyphs not exporting using ggplot

cjtulley opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I'm having an issue where I can generate a waffle plot in RStudio, but it won't export with the glyphs included. On attempting to export the plots with ggplot's "ggsave", I am having the same issue that other users have reported, where the icon displays a colored dot instead of the glyph. I'm trying to reproduce a set of graphs using someone else's code. This is the error:

There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label),  ... :
  font family 'FontAwesome' not found, will use 'wqy-microhei' instead`

I've installed FontAwesome 4.7.0.ttf, reinstalled waffle from GitHub instead of Cran, and tried the following code options to import/force FA to be recognized:

#Load font
font_import(paths = dirname(fa_font), prompt = FALSE)
## [1] "FontAwesome"
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") loadfonts("win")
#FontAwesome already registered with windowsFonts().
# [1] "FontAwesome"

system.file("fonts", package="waffle")
loadfonts(device = "win")

font_import(pattern = 'fontawesome-webfont.ttf')

# check that Font Awesome is imported
fonts()[grep("Awesome", fonts())]

#check that FA glyphs are available

Every attempt to verify that Font Awesome is loaded appears to confirm that it is working. It's obviously loaded and available in RStudio. I can save the plot from the RStudio plot window and the icons will be there. There's some sort of disconnect between waffle, ggplot, and Font Awesome.

This code works:

waffle(c(data), flip = FALSE, reverse = TRUE, pad = 0, use_glyph = "male", size = 0.5,
       colors = c("#e31a1c", "#fd8d3c", "#fecc5c", "#ffffb2")) + theme(legend.position="none")

This code produces the pngs with missing glyphs:

for (i in 1 : nrow(rawdata)) {
  ## create data for current level
  a <- as.integer(as.character(rawdata[i, 15]))
  b <- as.integer(as.character(rawdata[i, 16]))
  c <- as.integer(as.character(rawdata[i, 17]))
  d <- as.integer(as.character(rawdata[i, 18]))
  data <- c(a, b, c, d)
## plot waffle charts & save as PNG files.
waf <-waffle(data, flip = TRUE, reverse = TRUE, pad = 0, use_glyph = "male", size = 0.5,
              colors = c("#e31a1c", "#ff7f00", "#fdbf6f", "#ffeda0")) + theme(legend.position="none")
  ## create customized name
  filename <- paste0(rawdata$`GIS ID`[i],'.png')
  ggsave(filename, waf, dpi = 1500)

Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!

Just wanted to add an update on this. The issue appears to have been caused from loading either the extrafontsdb or the emojifonts libraries. I was able to successfully run this again with only importing data.table, waffle, extrafont, and ggplot2. Hope this helps anyone else having a similar issue.