Checkbox's third state isn't being saved persistently
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Expected behavior
When i shift+click (or long tap on mobile) a checkbox in Live Preview mode, third state is set, and checkbox is changed to "- [/]".
When i close page and open it again, checkbox state is still "- [/]" and third state is displayed in Live Preview mode by the plugin.
Current behavior
When i shift+click (or long tap) a checkbox, third state is set and is visible in Live Preview, but checkbox is not changed
(it stays either "- [ ]" or "- [x]", depending on previous state).
This causes plugin to only show third state in Live Preview until page is reloaded, after which it is changed back to previous state.
Reproducible - always
Plugin - 1.1.5
Obsidian - 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 1.1.9 for sure, haven't tested on other ones.
Workaround - manually type "- [/]" in source mode, this makes checkbox state persist between reloads, and is displayed on Live Preview mode correctly.
I am also experiencing this issue, (and the workaround also works).
I've resorted to use themes that render multiple checkbox states ( [ ], [x], [/], [-], [<], [>] )
They don't require an addon. I enter states manually.
Examples - Blue Topaz, Sanctum, Things, Minimal