
new beta site rejecting my mpdas login

Closed this issue · 21 comments

A day or two ago I was forced to the new beta site and my mpdas scrobbling stopped working.

I have not changed my .mpdasrc. Are they using something other than an MD5 hashed password now? I also noticed I had to use my email address to login to, not my original user name. I tried switching to my email address in the mpdasrc, but that did not work either.

$ /usr/local/bin/mpdas
(15:30:12) [INFO] Config file (/usr/local/etc/mpdasrc) does not exist or is not readable.
(15:30:12) [INFO] Connected to MPD.
(15:30:16) [ERROR] Code: 4
(15:30:16) [ERROR] Authentification failed. Please check your login data.
(15:30:16) [INFO] Closing mpdas.

Anyone has issues with the new site?

I have the same problem:

~ ❯❯❯ mpdas                                                                                   
(19:02:42) [ERROR] You are not root. Not changing user ..                             
(19:02:42) [INFO] Connected to MPD.                                                              
(19:02:46) [ERROR] Code: 4                                                                      
(19:02:46) [ERROR] Authentication failed. Please check your login data.                         
(19:02:46) [INFO] Closing mpdas.
mkody commented

They're doing some migrations, so it's down for... some days?

Yeah, it seems to be due to the migration. I can't scrobble from other clients, either. seems to confirm this.

Are you still having problems?


Okay thanks, I'll take a look at it later.

My account is now scrobbling correctly

@pcwalden - you rehashed passwd again or just do nothing?

I did nothing, it just started working again.

I can not confirm this problem, either. Can you please double check your configuration?

I'm having the same issues. mpdas gives me:

(15:41:57) [ERROR] Code: 4
(15:41:57) [ERROR] Authentication failed. Please check your login data.

as above. Scrobbling from herrie works fine though, with the same credentials. Maybe it depends on the exact server one is authenticating to?

ill check my configuration :) i rehashed psswd again, with this command:

echo -n "psswd" | md5sum

still not working

mkody commented

Doesn't work for me neither.
Also, when using Scrobb from my phone, it doesn't scrobble directly. Maybe Last.FM still has issues with scrobbling?

Since the migration isn't complete yet, I'd blame it on that. The protocol hasn't changed, mpdas worked before and it still works for some people. I don't think mpdas is the issue here..

Still working for me.

My username has uppercase letters. If I use it as is in mpdas config the login fails as described in the issue (since the beta site launched), but if I put it all lowercased, mpdas can log in successfully. Can anyone else of the people having login problems confirm that this uppercase/lowercase nonsense is the cause?

Anyway, it looks that this is not exactly a mpdas issue, since authentication is rejected directly by the API. I don't know where to look to see if this is a documented change or if it should be reported to them.

Jep, after changing the upercase letters in my username to lowercase ones in mpdasrc I am able to authenticate and scrobble.

Glad to hear that! I will merge the patch submitted by agjacome. Thanks everyone!

Just a heads up, the bug is still present in mpdas 0.4.3-1.

The fix is the same as @agjacome mentioned.

Mhh, that's a little odd. The fix by @agjacome should be merged since 0.4.0..