
Question Convert date to milliseconds (epoch millis)

mailsanchu opened this issue · 4 comments

How do i get epoc milliseconds from a custom date
dateconv "20220518181552" -i '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' -f %rs
gives me epoch second But how do i get milli second

Hi, pragmatically you could do

$ "20220518181552" -i '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' -f %s000

That is good enough for me Closing the ticket Thank you

Is there a way to convert epoch milliseconds to human readable? Something like 1679930053000

Afraid not. The parser trick above doesn't even work because of ambiguity (it's unclear where %s ends and the milliseconds are supposed to start). The only way is to convert the timestamp to epoch time somehow. E.g. if the value is in a shell variable

$ x=1679930053000
$ dateconv @${x%???}

or if it comes on stdin, plug an awk in between:

$ echo 1679930053000 | awk '$0=substr($0,1,length($0)-3)' | dateconv -i %s