
Doesn't select the first item in the completion menu when noselect is false

s1n7ax opened this issue · 3 comments


## compe:snippet
  - INFO: snippet engine is not detected.

## compe:mapping
  - INFO: `compe#complete` is not mapped
  - OK: `compe#confirm` is mapped: (`i  <SNR>34_AutoPairsOldCRWrapper73 &@compe#confirm('<CR>')`)
  - INFO: `compe#close` is not mapped
  - OK: `compe#scroll` is mapped: (`i  <C-F>       * compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })`)

NOTE: even though Checkhealth shows compe#complete is not mapped, :imap <c-space> that it is mapped already.

Describe the bug

First item of the completion menu is not selected automatically even though completeopt is "menuone,noinsert"
There was a similar issue in coc.nvim

To Reproduce

Actual behavior

In the completion menu, the first item is not selected


Expected behavior

When the noselect is false, the first item in the completion menu should be selected, BUT without changing the actual text in the buffer. So in below screenshot, the buffer text should be requir not require after the first item is selected


You can use preselect = 'always'. almost completion engine override completeopt. it is not an issue.

You can use preselect = 'always'. almost completion engine override completeopt. it is not an issue.

I had same issue. This solved it. Thanks!

I think it can be closed.