
Support for gaming?

STRIKERnz opened this issue · 7 comments

Will this ever work with games? I know this is not the main demographic for this. I wanted to use deskhop with my main PC and a second PC that I use for media/study. I've been using Synergy but found deskhop and would love to use it over software. However after putting one together and attempting to play any games I found you can't move your mouse more then a few degrees, making playing anything with Keyboard and mouse not really practical.

It would work with something like implementing a full mouse passthrough mode. I'm trying to look into improving support for keyboards/mice currently and perhaps multiple screens on win/mac currently, let me add this to the planned features list.

hey, sorry this is likely the wrong channel for this (dont know how to navigate to the planned features list), but was this something that was being looked at? kinda confused about "can't move your mouse more than a few degrees", what exactly does that mean? if gaming through the deskhop would it work fine by locking (Control+L) to the gaming system, so then the mouse wont jump across to the other system, or is this more that when playing Fullscreen your mouse disappears so that you mouse doesn't ever get to the edge to move across to the other system from the gaming system, unless the game is paused when the mouse pointer becomes visible again and so the mouse can move from the gaming system to the other system?

So, both full screen and non full screen games were doing this. Even with the mouse locked to the gaming system, It would only allow a small range of movement within that system's 1920x1080 area/box. It wasn't moving between screens but rather just a small area of range of movement. I'm assuming because most games hide the mouse cursor but still have free rain to move the cursor more then to the edges of a 1920x1080 box. You end up with a very narrow area to move around with.

Opps, I couldn't comment without commenting and closing.

ahh i understand, so i presume this is still the case? i guess in simple terms an if statement of: if full screen do not move cursor between systems else allow movement. obviously don't know how hard that would be to implement in code.

Here is an example video you can only move the mouse within a box.

Oh man, that's unusable like that haha!

I don't know how games usually do input, but providing absolute mode data is probably not making them happy :). There is a tiny bit of hope though - I managed to get macos workaround for multiple monitors to work and that implies having another relative mouse device. This will also be used in windows for the same reason and could also be used to run a "gaming mode" of a sort. That would mimic the way your existing mouse works and I'm guessing games would be OK with that.

Will try to implement a gaming mode, let's call it a stretch goal :)