Delete fine grained lock 노드 삭제Issue
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leeshinyook commented
- 노드가 전부 삭제되지 않는 문제
* Implement a function which remove nodes from the BST in fine-grained manner.
* @param lab2_tree *tree : bst tha you need to remove node in fine-grained manner from bst which contains key.
* @param int key : key value that you want to delete.
* @return : status (success or fail)
int lab2_node_remove_fg(lab2_tree *tree, int key) {
// You need to implement lab2_node_remove_fg function.
lab2_node *temp = tree -> root;
lab2_node *parent = NULL , *child, *succ, *succ_p;
while(temp != NULL && temp -> key != key) {
parent = temp;
if(temp -> key < key) {
temp = temp -> right;
} else {
temp = temp -> left;
if(temp == NULL) {
return LAB2_SUCCESS;
pthread_mutex_lock(&tree -> mutex);
if((temp -> left == NULL) && (temp -> right == NULL)) { // 아래에 자식 노드가 없을 경우
if (parent != NULL) {
if(parent -> left == temp) {
parent -> left = NULL;
} else {
parent -> right = NULL;
} else {
tree -> root = NULL;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree -> mutex);
return LAB2_SUCCESS;
} else if(temp -> left == NULL || temp -> right == NULL) { // 아래에 1개의 자식 노드가 있을 경우
pthread_mutex_lock(&temp -> mutex);
child = (temp -> left != NULL) ? temp -> left : temp -> right;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&temp -> mutex);
pthread_mutex_lock(&child -> mutex);
if(parent != NULL) {
if(parent -> left == temp) {
parent -> left = child;
} else {
parent -> right = child;
} else {
tree -> root = child;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&child -> mutex);
pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree -> mutex);
return LAB2_SUCCESS;
} else {
// 아래에 2개의 자식 노드가 있을 경우
pthread_mutex_lock(&temp -> mutex);
succ_p = temp;
succ = temp -> right;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&temp -> mutex);
pthread_mutex_lock(&succ -> mutex);
while(succ -> left != NULL) {
pthread_mutex_unlock(&succ -> mutex);
succ_p = succ;
succ = succ -> left;
pthread_mutex_lock(&succ -> mutex);
if(succ_p -> left == succ) {
succ_p -> left = succ -> right;
} else {
succ_p -> right = succ -> right;
temp -> key = succ -> key;
temp = succ;
pthread_mutex_unlock(&succ -> mutex);
pthread_mutex_unlock(&tree -> mutex);
return LAB2_SUCCESS;