
LoadDevicesAsync Error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Everything starts—all services start but fetching devices doesn’t do anything. Logs show devices are found but ends in the titular error. Not sure what to do now…


hsakoh commented

As far as I can see from the screenshot,
E2F67EBAEBE4,EB7E2015D93D is due to the fact that the device type of the device is unknown.

Please refer to the following issue.
It seems that some devices, such as Curtain 3, are not returning DeviceType as per the API interface specifications.

Please try defining the device ID and device type in the EnforceDeviceTypes option.

I put the below in and I get an error that doesn't allow me to save my config file
Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 12 46 54 PM

hsakoh commented


YAML Editor

  - DeviceId: E2F67EBAEBE4
    DeviceType: Curtain
  - DeviceId: EB7E2015D93D
    DeviceType: Curtain

Once again, thank you so much! I have four of those Curtian V3's that were giving me trouble. All working now. You totally rock.